Our Services

Our team comprises talented minds working together to provide our clients with exceptional service and value.

Concept & Design

Ideas are where all architecture begins.

The concept and design phase starts an architectural project. Within the profession, the Schematic Design phase generally produces sketches, refined as the process evolves from concept into a preliminary design. Functional, spatial relationships are established, site orientation is addressed, and ‘flow of facility’ is determined.

During this phase, clear communication is critical. We will want to know everything we can about your goals, working closely with you to assure they are met with the concepts we develop.

Master Planning

Master Planning can be performed either as a stand-alone service or in conjunction with traditional architectural services.

This work involves site analysis of existing conditions, site planning and placement of multiple structures on a property, or phased construction for anticipated additions to a structure.

Master planning allows for ‘glimpsing into the future,’ and can be described as providing a four-dimensional map of construction and site development.


Ashokan Architecture has a wide range of presentation capabilities to suit the diverse needs of our clients.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) simulates the realistic appearance of a building, interior space details, and site conditions. BIM is used to conduct sun-and-shade studies and is an effective tool for materials and color selection.

Hand rendering may be used for initial design sketches through final renderings. The media can be pencil, pen-and-ink, markers, or watercolor, selected depending on which will convey an idea most clearly.

Construction Documentation

In terms of time and effort, the construction documentation (CD) phase represents the bulk of architectural services for almost any given project.

Construction Documents describe the building’s dimensional form, structure, materials, finishes and mechanical systems.

Building code requirements are reviewed and integrated into drawings, and the design is calibrated to exceed energy codes. Product information, structural, electrical and mechanical systems are integrated, ready for a contractor to bid and building department permit issuance.